There are handprints inside the computer, which are suspected to be refurbished machines. Suning: It is impossible to decide whether to return or not.

  I bought an Apple computer in Suning for 13,264 yuan, and found a black screen after using it for more than half a year. Apple’s after-sales inspection found that there were handprints inside, the screen line fell off, and two screws were still missing.

  Consumer Li Xun (pseudonym) suspects that he bought a refurbished machine in Suning.

  On September 14th, a staff member surnamed Yao of Suning Brand Department responded to The Paper, saying that through the serial number of the machine’s fuselage, Suning found that the goods were purchased from an authorized supplier of Apple (ingram micro).

  The staff member surnamed Yao said that in this case, it was impossible to judge whether the machine itself was defective before the purchase or whether something happened during the use after the sale.

  The staff surnamed Yao said that in line with the attitude of "whoever sells is responsible", Suning is willing to help customers handle returns or exchanges.

Apple’s after-sales service report All the pictures in this article are provided by the respondents.

  Handprints appeared inside the new machine, and consumers suspected that they had bought the refurbished machine.

  On January 19th this year, Li Xun, who is engaged in IT work, bought an Apple Macbook Pro computer in Beijing Huilongguan Store of Suning with a discount price of 13,264 yuan.

  The computer has been used for more than half a year without any trouble. On August 31st, the computer suddenly went black when it was turned on, but it was normal if other monitors were connected externally. Li Xun sent the computer to Apple’s after-sales service point.

  On September 3, when Li Xun went to Apple to pick up the repaired computer after sale, he saw the fault diagnosis in the service report: "The computer screen line fell off, two screws were missing inside, and there were fingerprints."

  "I haven’t disassembled the machine, how come there are handprints inside and there are still screws missing." Li Xun suspected that he had bought a refurbished computer in Suning.

  According to the service report provided by Li Xun to The Paper, the fault was that the equipment was turned on with a black screen. After disassembling the machine, it was found that there was a handprint inside, the screen wire fell off, and two screen wire screws were missing. After testing the screen wire, the fault was eliminated.

  On September 4th, Li Xun submitted a complaint Application to the "Beijing Consumer Complaints" app, and also called Suning’s official customer service to reflect the matter. At that time, the customer service replied that he "let me communicate with the store with relevant evidence".

  Soon, the staff of Huilongguan Industrial and Commercial Office contacted Li Xun by telephone, saying that they would be involved in coordination.

  After that, Li Xun communicated with Suning many times and has not received a proper reply. Li Xun said that in a recent reply, Suning only told him that it was "being processed".

  Suning: I am willing to help customers to return goods.

  On September 13th, The Paper called Apple Beijing Wudaokou Shopping Center to convince the after-sales store.

  A staff member of the store said that after Mr. Li sent the computer at that time, they found that the boot screen was black. After disassembling the machine, they found that there were handprints inside, the screen line fell off, and two screen line screws were missing. After reorganizing the screen line and troubleshooting, Mr. Li got the machine back.

  Can you see any signs of renovation? The staff of the after-sales service point said that it was impossible to judge. "This kind of thing is unclear, and everything is mainly based on diagnostic reports."

  On September 14th, a staff member surnamed Yao of Suning Brand Department responded to The Paper, saying that through the serial number of the machine’s fuselage, Suning found that the goods were purchased from an authorized supplier of Apple (ingram micro).

  Regarding the consumer’s query about the "refurbished machine", the staff member surnamed Yao said that in this case, it is impossible to judge whether the machine itself was defective before the purchase or something happened during the use after the sale.

  However, the staff member surnamed Yao said that in the attitude of "whoever sells is responsible", Suning is willing to help customers handle returns or exchanges. (The Paper reporter Lu Xinwen intern Zhao Siwei)