Beijing announces online taxi driver exam syllabus: English listening test

  After Beijing released the new policy of online car-hailing, the Municipal Transportation Commission and Transportation Administration Bureau announced the regulations and examination syllabus for the examination of online car-hailing drivers in Beijing. The exams include the national public subject examination and the Beijing regional subject examination. The exams include the new policy of online car-hailing, 26 sentences of English listening and road practice involving taxi operation scenarios. Taxi drivers can take the transfer test alone, and only take the theoretical part of Beijing region, with 60 points passing. There is no fee for the exam, and if they fail, they can take a make-up exam.

  The exam consists of three subjects, with different passing lines

  After the release of the new policy on online car-hailing in Beijing, the Transportation Bureau of the Municipal Transportation Commission announced the notice of the "Regulations on the Administration of the Qualification Examination of Beijing Online Booking Taxi Drivers (Trial) " (referred to as the "Regulations"), which clarified the test method for online car-hailing drivers in Beijing. At the same time, the test outline was announced, listing the specific content of the test.

  According to the regulations, the Beijing online taxi driver qualification test includes the national public subject test and the Beijing regional subject test. The national public subject test is a knowledge test with universal normative requirements on national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation.

  The Beijing regional subject exam is divided into two parts: theoretical basic knowledge and professional knowledge application ability. Zhang Wensheng, deputy director of the Beijing Transportation Examination Center, introduced that the content of the exam includes the city’s taxi management policies and regulations, online booking taxi service specifications, practical English listening, Beijing urban transportation geography and other knowledge. The professional knowledge part is practical operation, which mainly assesses the driver’s driving ability, the ability to use mobile phone software to receive orders and service specifications.

  The National Public Subject Examination has a score of 100, with 80 points (inclusive) or more being qualified; the Beijing Regional Subject Examination Theoretical Basic Knowledge has a score of 40, with 32 points (inclusive) or more being qualified, and the Beijing Regional Subject Examination Professional Knowledge Application Ability Assessment has a score of 60, with 48 points (inclusive) or more being qualified.

  The exam consists of a computer-based test and an interview

  In principle, the national public subject examination and the Beijing regional subject theory basic knowledge examination use the computer system to randomly select the examination questions and unify the examination; the Beijing regional subject professional knowledge application ability assessment adopts the examiner interview and other methods.

  The National Public Subject Examination and the Beijing Regional Subject Theoretical Basic Knowledge Examination take a total of 90 minutes, of which the National Public Subject Examination takes 60 minutes and the Beijing Regional Subject Theoretical Basic Knowledge Examination takes 30 minutes. After the applicant completes the National Public Subject Examination, the system directly switches to the Beijing Regional Subject Theoretical Basic Knowledge Examination. The Beijing Regional Subject Professional Knowledge Application Ability Assessment takes 8 minutes.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that the theoretical knowledge of national public subjects and Beijing regional subjects is a computer test. The Beijing regional subject professional examination is an interview, with examiners present.

  The test content includes English listening and geography

  According to the "Beijing Regional Subject Examination Outline for Taxi Driver Qualifications" issued by the Transportation Bureau of the Municipal Transportation Commission, the theoretical basic knowledge test includes four parts: Beijing taxi management policies and regulations, Beijing urban traffic geography, practical English listening, and relevant knowledge to be mastered. The geographical score of the theoretical knowledge part is the highest, reaching 18 points.

  Geography mainly examines the examinee’s degree of learning and mastery of the overall layout of urban roads; the degree of understanding of the structural characteristics of urban roads; the degree of cognition of the location and direction of each street and each ring road; the familiarity with the location of various units; and the proficiency in choosing and using economical and rational operation routes.

  The roads specifically examined mainly include the north-south central axis, Chang’an Street, the main road of the old urban area, and the distribution of the main bridge areas from the Second Ring Road to the Fifth Ring Road. At the same time, it is necessary to grasp the streets near the Ring Road and the locations of major government organizations (enterprises and institutions), news media, tourist attractions, museums, cultural and sports venues, hotels, office buildings, hospitals, schools, commercial and catering units in Beijing. Specific such as the location of Beijing Exhibition Hall, Beijing Zoo, Tsinghua University, Peking University and major transportation hubs.

  English listening includes 26 civilized phrases during vehicle service. For example, Welcome to Beijing! (Welcome to Beijing!) It’s my pleasure to serve you. (It’s my pleasure to serve you.) Would you like the air-conditioning on? (Do you need to turn on the air conditioner?) and other common scenarios in taxi services.

  Only by passing the three exams can you get the certificate

  According to the regulations, applicants who have passed the National Public Subject Examination, the Beijing Regional Subject Theory Basic Knowledge Examination, and the Beijing Regional Subject Professional Knowledge Application Ability Assessment will be issued the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License" after reviewing the application materials through the service window of the Municipal Transportation Examination Center.

  Applicants who fail the exam can bring the Admission Card 30 days after the end of the last exam to the Municipal Transportation Examination Center or each taxi driver examination workstation to go through the re-examination procedures.

  So what should I do if one or two of the three subjects fail? According to the relevant person in charge of the examination center, only the unqualified subjects need to be retaken.

  Taxi drivers can pass the transfer exam with 60 points

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that the above examination arrangement is mainly for ordinary drivers. Taxi drivers only need to take the transfer exam because they have taken the exam before and have obtained the cruise car qualification certificate.

  The content of the transfer test includes: relevant policies, regulations and theoretical knowledge about online taxi booking in the Beijing regional subject test. The practical part will no longer be assessed. Out of 100 points, the driver is qualified if he obtains 60 points.

  on site

  The first batch of drivers applied for the online ride-hailing driver test yesterday

  On December 22, the second day after the promulgation of the new policy of Beijing online car-hailing, Wei Dong, CEO of Shouqi Car-hailing, came to the Beijing Municipal Service Center early and submitted the application materials for the qualification of online car-hailing business to the competent authorities. Shouqi Car-hailing is the first online car-hailing company in Beijing to apply for the qualification of online car-hailing platform.

  Beiqing Daily reporters saw at the scene that the first car-hailing staff prepared seven sets of materials for application. Specifically, it includes the application materials for online car-hailing business qualifications and the compilation of Shouyue science and technology management materials.

  Li Song, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transportation Bureau of the Municipal Transportation Commission, introduced that after receiving the application of the online car-hailing company, the relevant materials will be submitted to the public security, online information, the People’s Bank of China and other relevant departments to determine their online service capabilities. After the online service capability review is passed, its offline capabilities will be assessed, including management capabilities, service personnel and their training venues. If the server is located in the local area, the license can be obtained within 20 working days, and if the server is located in another province, it can be obtained within 30 working days. However, if additional materials are required, the time will be extended accordingly.

  Yesterday, while applying for the qualification of the online car-hailing platform, dozens of drivers of Shouqi car-hailing applied for the online car-hailing driver test. The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that the drivers who apply now need to fill in their names, ID cards, vehicles and other personal information. The drivers who apply now probably use it in less than 5 minutes to pass the review, and the computer can use a skilled driver to complete the application in 2 minutes. A driver was notified at that time that he could go to the scene to make an appointment for the test in ten days. According to reports, this step of online pre-naming can be carried out anywhere with the network, and there is no need to arrive at the scene. After the pre-naming is over, they must go to the scene to make an appointment for the specific time of the test. The specific appointment point can


  Application process

  1. Online forecast name;

  2. On-site confirmation and appointment;

  3. Examination;

  4. Query the results;

  5. Get the online taxi driver’s license.

  Attention: There is no fee for the exam.

  This article/Our reporter, Liu Wei, photography/Our reporter, Huang Liang